Israels Eurovision Journey


Israel's Eurovision 2024 Entry: "Hurricane" by Eden Golan

Israel's Eurovision Journey

Israel has a long and successful history in the Eurovision Song Contest, having won four times and finished in the top 10 on numerous occasions. In recent years, Israel has struggled to achieve the same level of success, but they are hoping to turn things around this year with their entry, "Hurricane" by Eden Golan.

About the Song

"Hurricane" is a powerful and emotional ballad that showcases Golan's vocal abilities. The song is written by Doron Medalie and Idan Raichel, who have previously written songs for other Israeli Eurovision entries. The lyrics of the song are about overcoming adversity and finding strength in the midst of difficulty.

Golan is a rising star in the Israeli music scene. She has released two albums and has performed at major festivals around the world. She is known for her powerful voice and her passionate performances. Golan is confident that she can bring home the victory for Israel this year.

The official music video for "Hurricane" was released on YouTube on March 10, 2024. The video has already received over 1 million views and has been praised for its stunning visuals and powerful message. The video features Golan performing the song in a variety of locations, including the desert, the sea, and the city. The video also features footage of Golan meeting with fans and rehearsing for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Israel is one of the favorites to win the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. Golan's powerful vocals and the emotional lyrics of "Hurricane" are sure to resonate with voters. If Israel does win, it will be their fifth victory in the competition.


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