Evo Moment 37 Returns To Street Fighter 6

EVO Moment 37 Returns to Street Fighter 6

Perfect Parry: A Game-Changing Technique

Street Fighter 6 is bringing back one of the most iconic moments in fighting game history: EVO Moment 37. This legendary parry, performed by Daigo Umehara in 2004, has become a symbol of skill and precision in fighting games.

How Perfect Parry Works in Street Fighter 6

In Street Fighter 6, Perfect Parry allows players to block an incoming attack with precise timing. This technique can be used to absorb the opponent's attack and launch a powerful counter-attack. However, executing a Perfect Parry is extremely difficult, as it requires the player to input the block command within a specific frame of animation.

Evo Moment 37 in Street Fighter 6

In Street Fighter 6, players can recreate the iconic Evo Moment 37 parry by using Akuma's Hoyoku-sen move. This move allows Akuma to absorb an attack and launch a powerful counter-attack. By timing the Perfect Parry correctly, players can land the full Evo Moment 37 combo, which can deal massive damage to the opponent.

Why Perfect Parry is Important

Perfect Parry is a game-changing technique that can give players a significant advantage in Street Fighter 6. By mastering this technique, players can effectively counter opponents' attacks and create opportunities for devastating counter-attacks. Perfect Parry is a skill that will separate the best players from the rest, and it will play a key role in the competitive scene.

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